Pies Scenes
89 scenes
2 files
Pie Day Pie Cream, Filled Graham Cracker Crust Pies
Added 12 days ago    342 views    explicit
In celebration of pie day 3.14 I mix up two batches of pie cream one pink one green and fill 6 graham cracker crust pies. 3 pies with strawberry dessert topping and filled with green pie cream and 3 filled with chocolate fudge dessert topping and fil...
Pie Cream Test #1
Added 1/25/25    534 views    explicit
Testing out a new recipe for what I call Pie cream. So I mixed up a big sloppy bucket and fill up 5 pies. First up is underwear filling with a messy wedgie. Next come the super sloppy pies. I get creamed and finish with the 5th pie being a cum pie. I...
Batttleships #4 Holiday Pies
Added 12/4/24    315 views    explicit
Another loss at Battleships so it's another messy payup. This one is holiday-themed with red, green, and white shaving foam pies. O and as punishment for losing I am nude and plugged for a sloppy shaving foam slimeing. While getting slopped you can h...
If You Can Catch Me Shaving Foamed and Slimed
Added 11/27/24    389 views    explicit
For the If You Can Catch Me game, I set a dare thinking I could possibly get away with it, well I was caught pretty quick so I stripped down for 6 sloppy shaving foam pies and a bucket of pink cake batter slime. The last pie is a Huge one topped with...
Battleships Human Hot Dog + Pies Punishment
Added 10/1/24    650 views    explicit
Another punishment from a loss in battleships, this time it's a sloppy human hot dog sliming in addition to 6 mini pies and one cum pie, and a bucket of chocolate cake batter slime. I sit naked dumping a bucket of ketchup, mustard and relish over my...
Messy Battleship 5 Pies and a Cake Slopping While Plugged
Added 9/19/24    1185 views    explicit    1
Feeling very confident I have been playing Battleships against other Umders and winning well luck was not on my side as I lost to UMD member Darry, so its 5 pies, 2 cakes one topped with Extra cream all while my plug buzzes away. I got thoroughly tra...
Mini Shaving Foam Pie Fun
Added 8/28/24    256 views    explicit
Just some impromptu fun, I have one can of shaving foam and a bunch of mini pie tins. I fill up a bunch and get completely covered in foam.
Sweet and Savory Pie Roulette
Added 8/12/24    620 views    explicit    1
Special thanks to J bond for giving me this one. Its a sweet and savory pie roulette punishment. I spin a wheel to decide the order of the pies to take. I sit naked in my hotel room and splatter myself with sloppy pies.
3 Sloppy Shaving Foam Pies for the Spin for Pie Game
Added 7/24/24    373 views    explicit
I got myself for the spin for pie game and was given 2 pies by another player. I decided to do something different and super-size one of the pies and turn it blue. I sit naked and get absolutely covered in shaving foam before cumming on the last pie.
Hot Potato Slopped #1
Added 7/23/24    342 views    explicit
I got "boomed" while I was "holding" the potato, so its a set of 5 messy punishments, Pie per line so 5 of those, 2 eggs per line so 10 sloppy, slimy very cold eggs, and a gateau that goes in my undies for me to sit on, A sloppy bucket and finally a...
2 files
8 Sloppy Pies from the "don't Be Last" Game
Added 6/12/24    986 views    explicit
Well, I was not last, but second to last meaning I got 8 sloppy pies! Having some left over sticky slime from another messing I filled up 8 pies and got creamed. I make sure to fill my undies for a sloppy wegie and stroke my cock through out. I save...
3 Sloppy Pies for the Spin for Pie Game
Added 5/22/24    693 views    explicit
Spun myself a mega boomerang but got lucky to have only rolled a 3! Still, I like my pies Filled so I mixed up some blue cake batter and frosting pies and topped them with cool whip. I take my pies while wearing some green undies and strip off to st...
1 Big Sloppy Bucket and 4 Shaving Foam Pies
Added 3/28/24    1170 views    explicit
For the newbie pillory game, I take my final 2 sloppy buckets combined and 4 pies from the onslaughts. I make sure to hold open my underwear so the slop can fill them and can't help but stroke my messy cock throughout. I dump the eggs over my head b...
2 files
3 Blue Pies and a Sloppy Bucket for Pie Day
Added 3/14/24    991 views    explicit
Another pay-up for the noob pillory game, 3 sloppy pies, and another super thick messy bucket. I take 3 blue cake batter pies topped with Cool Whip and a super thick bucket of cake batter topped with eggs. I also take a recycled pie to the face, and...
If You Can Catch Me Giant Pies
Added 2/26/24    522 views    explicit
Came across some Giant deep dish style pie tins and thought it would be fun to fill them all the way up and top them with some cool-whip. I set a "If you can catch me" dare to see how many I would get slopped with and what I would be wearing. 5 catch...
3 Sloppy Pudding and Cool Whip Pies with a Slime Finish
Added 2/8/24    1083 views    explicit
Time for pies, this time it is 3 chocolate pudding pies topped with cool whip, and for dessert a big bucket of strawberry cake batter. Boy do I love pudding pies. I stuff my face with all 3 pies then finish off with the bucket of strawberry cake batt...
2 files
9 Pies Slopped for a Dare from the Mystery Dice Game.
Added 2/5/24    671 views    explicit
For a loss of the mystery dice game, I had to take dares from the other players. I was dared to set a long catch me dare and take a pie for each catch. 9 catches equals 9 pies! I take 9 shaving foam pies while wearing some red undies. I stuff my und...
Pies for Guys Femdom Final Pay Up
Added 1/15/24    1311 views    explicit
The final round of pies for the pies for guys' femdom game, the last 10 I owe and I decided to do something a bit different and combine all 10 pies into 3 large tubs of colored shaving foam slosh. I sit in my black undies and get completely covered i...
Pies for Guys Femdom #3
Added 1/11/24    867 views    explicit
8 more shaving foam pies for the pies for guys femdom game! Join me up close as I get completely creamed with shaving foam pies till I am a blog of mess. I sit naked and give myself a wam-which and make sure I am completely covered. Watch me play w...
Pies for Guys Femdom #2
Added 12/14/23    668 views    explicit
another round of pies for the femdom game. 6 shaving foam pies bringing my total up to 14 out of 32 pies owed. I get creamed and completely covered in shaving foam. I sit on one, pie my crotch, give myself a sandwich and a hat and finally smash one r...
Pies for Guys Femdom #1
Added 12/9/23    555 views    explicit
The first 8 pies of my 32 owed! I take 8 shaving foam pies and "cream" one of them right before I smash it in my face. All the classic pies here, I sit on 2, take a pie sandwich, pie my crotch and my face and give myself a nice hat.
4 Pies for the Spin for Pie Game!
Added 10/31/23    597 views    explicit
Time to pay up for the spin for pie game! So its 4 pies to me 2 from other players and 2 from myself oops. I take a pie sandwich a pie hat and of course one to the face all while stark naked.
Messy Dice the Full Dice Roll
Added 10/15/23    1346 views    explicit
The messy dice game gets me good. Pies, underwear filling, eggs, chocolate, and a flour shower. I get covered in mess to complete the messy dice dare. I take my pies naked before pulling up my see-through undies to fill them. Had a ton of messy fun o...
If You Don't Reply #2 Huge Pie Sandwich and a Butt Pie
Added 10/5/23    1452 views    explicit
Another part of my "if you don't reply" punishment when I was put in the no reply zone. As instructed I take a "huge" pie sandwich with 2 huge pink, cake batter and cool-whip pies right to the face while completely naked. I also turn around and take...
Pillory Punishment Honey, Eggs and Pies
Added 9/7/23    1341 views
Trying my luck with the pillory game and well I ended up takin a turn. First its eggs right into my undies then 3 freezing cold cool whip pies then a nice honey facial.
3 files
If You Can Catch Me with the Lovely Kat VanWylder
Added 8/14/23    6005 views    explicit    2
A mega trashing for the if you can catch me game, 11 cake batter and cool whip pies, and a big bucket of cake batter and chocolate frosting slime. I am stark naked and completely at her messy mercy! She makes me beg for pies and orders me to trash m...
Messy Dice Shaving Foam Pies
Added 5/20/23    1458 views    explicit
For the messy dice game. I get my own number of the dare. So it's 4 shaving foam pies, crotch, butt, pie hat, and one pie with extra cream right to my face. I stand in my red undies and get totally covered in shaving foam. I cum on the last pie and s...
Pyramids Game Part 2 Pies and Slime
Added 5/2/23    1617 views    explicit
Part 2 of my pay-up from the pyramids game. I take 5 pies, One mock blueberry filling pie hat, one chocolate pudding pie to the crotch, a chocolate pie to the face, and 2 cool whip pies topped with frosting as a pie sandwich. I also dump a big bucket...
Pyramids Messing Part 1
Added 4/14/23    1511 views    explicit
Tried out a new game called pyramids where forfeits are added to a pyramid with levels A-e a wheel is spun and your put onto a level with A remaining clean and B-e taking messy punishments from there level and the levels above them. You can knock peo...
Super Sticky Green Slime
Added 3/4/23    1819 views    explicit
I sit very naked excited to use the very messy concoction I have made. Cool whip, marshmallow fluff, green frosting, and a bit of hot water. I have 2 very runny pies topped with cool whip and one Giant bucket of green slime. I start with the pies and...
2 Shaving Foam Pies Punishment
Added 2/3/23    807 views    explicit
I owe some pies for the messy games so I strip naked and fill up two heaping pie tins with shaving foam and let myself have it. I "cream" the second pie and smash it right in my face.
2 Pies and a Chocolate Syrup Shower!
Added 1/7/23    1846 views    explicit
Finally, have my wam space is complete. The new shower and tile are awesome. I take 2 heaped coolwhip pies topped with chocolate syrup one to the face and I sit naked on the other. I finish myself off with a huge chocolate syrup shower. 2 pies are fo...
Pie Years Pie Compilation #1
Added 11/4/22    1253 views    explicit
A wonderfully messy compilation of me giving myself pies to the face, butt and crotch. It is compiled from many of my messings both free and in my store.
6 Super Sloppy Pies and a Chocolate Syrup Slime
Added 9/9/22    2413 views    explicit
Two of the messy games I play, Don't be last and Hot potato got me. So for the Hot potato game I get a sliming and a pie per line of the game which was 2. For the don't be last game I got 3 pies. I substitute some slime for a bottle of chocolate syru...
Friday Sloppy Pies
Added 8/26/22    741 views    explicit
Bored on a Friday night I decide to fill up some Super sloppy cake batter and frosting pies. I put in my new plug toy and give myself 3 sloppy pies plus a little bit of left over batter.
2 files
Messy Dice Super Sloppy Pay Up
Added 7/18/22    1862 views
Well pushing my luck with the messy dice game ended up getting me very messy. As all numbers were selected so all 6 players get all 6 messy dares. So its, Pie Sandwich, Custard shower, Underwear filled with shaving foam and yoghurt, Chocolate cake b...
2 files
5 Pies for Spin for Pie Shaving Foam
Added 7/11/22    1578 views    explicit
From the spin for pie game got 5 messy pies, So I filled up 5 pies with a can of shaving foam each put on my Keep calm and smash pie in my face T-shirt and let myself have it. Two parts included and a trailer.
Sloppy Cake Batter Pie Sandwich
Added 6/22/22    703 views    explicit
I spent 24hrs in the pillory game and some how only got a pie sandwich. Man did I luck out. So I filled up two pies to the top with cake batter and greed frosting and let myself have it. I sit naked in the tub for my pie sandwich. I also take the lit...
Twitter Poll Cake Batter Pies
Added 5/26/22    602 views    explicit
I took a poll on my twitter to see if I should add more pies to the one I already owed well turns out it was a resounding yes. So I mixed up some cake batter and green frosting filled 5 pies and let myself have it. I am wearing a pair of grey bikini...
Spin for Pie Huge Cool Whip Pies
Added 5/5/22    1715 views    explicit
For the spin for pie game I owe 4 pies, 2 given by other players and a pie sandwich that I spun on myself. I make up 3 Huge cool whip pies give each one a bit of pink frosting and for the fourth pie I use 2 cans of pink strawberry frosting. I take a...
POV Pie Sitting with a Giant Cake Batter Pie Finish
Added 4/25/22    690 views    explicit
Shot up close as I sit on two shaving foam pies, I cover my lower half in shaving foam for the camera. I finish myself off with a Giant cake batter pie to the face. I Play will my cock and cum for the camera.
4 Shaving Foam Pies!
Added 2/19/22    1389 views    explicit
Back at it again playing the spin for pie game. I unfortunately got myself instead of the other players and of course some one got me so its 4 pies as punishment. I take my pies nude and stroke my cock throughout.
Caught Plugged Pied and Wedgied with Shaving Foam!
Added 12/14/21    899 views    explicit
I decided to have some fun and set a if you can catch me dare. I was caught 5 times and so I filled my undies with shaving foam and gave myself a wedgie followed by a pie sandwich. All while my vibrating plug was in me. Who knew getting caught could...
Caught, Plugged, Pied and Slimed!
Added 8/7/21    2292 views    explicit
Had the house to myself for one last messing. So I set a catch me dare, with each catcher telling me how to pie myself. 4 catches and I would be Nude, and with a twist at 6 catches I would slime myself and have my vibrating anal plug in while I got m...
2 files
Real Cream Pies!
Added 4/11/21    1866 views
I have a bunch of Chief Pierre cream pies, so I set a catch me dare and let the catchers tell me how to pie myself. If I got 5 catches i added a giant bottle of chocolate syrup over my head and 6 catches I would due a messy wedgie. I got 7! catches...
Filled Undies and Thick Pies
Added 4/8/21    1148 views
I pressed my luck on a couple of messy games and well its time to get messy. First i fill my undies with apple sauce and thick oatmeal topped with spray cream. Then its time for pies, I use Thick pink cake batter pies topped with cool whip. I pie mys...
If You Can Catch Me Square Pies!
Added 3/27/21    1529 views    explicit
Another pay up for the If you can catch me game, 4 catchers got me, so I sit on a pie, pie myself in the face. Give myself a pie hat and pie my bare "tackle." I also add a Big bucket of pink(ish) slime which turned out more red but was great.
3 files
Shaving Foam If You Can Catch Me Complete!
Added 3/20/21    1551 views    explicit
I set a little If you can catch me dare. Well I got caught! 5 catchers saw fit to get me so its 5 colored shaving foam pies, I fill my undies with shaving foam and give myself a messy wedgie. I top myself off with a big bucket of Chunky red Slime....
Hot Potato Pied and Slimed
Added 3/11/21    647 views    explicit
For the Hot potato game i have 2 super messy cool whip pies topped with blue frosting, I also have a bucket of pink cake batter slime. I pie and slime myself wearing just my Keep calm and smash pie in my face T-shirt.
Mega Mess Combined Payup!
Added 2/6/21    579 views    explicit
For a bunch of games, including mystery wall of stuff, person above me, and don't be last. I have 6 pies, a bucket of pink cake batter slime, a bucket of chocolate pudding, and a bowl of green cake batter. I dunk my face into the green cake batter fi...

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